Saturday, November 3, 2012

Monkey Business

In my haste to post all of my woes on Friday, I forgot to rightfully source the photo of the monkey.  Lots of you asked about the monkey.  It reminded me of the Barenaked Ladies song which I love "If I had a million dollars" when lead singer Stephen Page poses one of the most famous questions in all of history:

"Haven't you always wanted a Monkey?"

Why yes, in fact I have.....

Despite any rumours to the contrary, this is not one of my children, nor is it a photo of me wearing my Harris Tweed at a hunt last year!  Oddly enough, it is from a story on the website on men's 2011 fall fashion trends!

Odder still, I found my monkey by googling "old lady in tweed pant suit". 

Truth be told, I find his style whimsical and a nice twist on the tweed.  You know i will try and copy it.....And furthermore, you know the Sartorialist will likely copy me copying him....  There really is nothing new in fashion....

In the interim, I am going to invite him to hang around for awhile.  Plus he brought some partridge with him and we will roast it tonight and have a nice bottle of pinot noir...  A monkey like this doesn't come into your life very often.

I am quite sure he must be related to THE original dandy Monkey, Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp:

DVD Cover

You just KNOW this is real Burberry - no knock-off for a secret agent....

Lots of picture taking today - I am choosing the pencil skirt which will stay and which ones will go back, re-styling the tweed, and talking comfort.

Have an awesome Saturday and no monkeying around (aw who am I kidding?  I WANT you to monkey around!)


  1. The monkey is dapper and I hope he'll be a good houseguest (you may need to take his gun away if he has too much pinot noir). Why not make him a fashion muse, your fall color story came from a duck, give the monkey his turn! I'm laughing at how you came across his picture. Hope you have a good weekend!

    1. OMG CATE! you are absolutely correct - he is definitely going to be my new fashion muse! See? I do so much better when you all chime in!

    2. I used to have a hat like his, but he wears it better :-)

    3. it is hard to compare oneself to an icon, though....

  2. Replies
    1. Did you like the dig about british men in the labels?

    2. He reminds me of Madonna's ex in his cloth cap.

    3. Oh My God! He does have a bit of Guy Ritchie about him!

  3. I think the best part of this is that you googled 'old lady in pantsuit'! Hilarious!
    I also love this monkey, very happy to see he is our new fashion muse here!
    Have a great day, orders taken, will monkey around. ;)

    1. I wondered how many others googled the same yesterday! I was sorely afraid I would find a picture of myself!!!!!!!

      I think the monkey might get along well with your fashion muse, but she would have to take care of her buttons - he seems like the kind of fellow who would pick them off!

  4. BANANAS! A fashion mascot with a great jacket and a sense of humour, very WMM. Wishing you luck and good sense with the pencil picking. Off to monkey see, monkey do, very soon...

    1. Meant to ask, JC 25% off $150 and free ship tempting you and Chimpy yet?

    2. His name is Nigel? I thought for sure the rom-com you would be dubbing Sir Lancelot.

    3. I thought she'd dub him George for the rom-com lol

    4. Ha! Well ladies, I thought of both, but in fact, he is very british and so Nigel seemed appropos. What worries me the most is that I work full time and it will be hard to keep an eye on him. It can only be a matter of time before he ends up on the cover of Hello magazine, stark nade with one hand over his privates and still holding the gun....

      As for the OURTREAT, I may look at dresses. I am obsessed with comfort now! So much to consider!!! And I need to muck out the clothes so I can see what I really wear...

    5. Cate, *smacks forehead* I actually forgot about George! Maybe she just sends him OOTD photos. Or she's still afraid of the blue screen of death curse?

    6. Ladies - you will see that the club now has a boyfriend on the sidebar..I am completely open to adding more boyfriends...As you know, this is no exclusive club - anyone who drops in is automatically enrolled, given a beanie and martini and is set to go!

    7. BEANIE & MARTINI CLUB We also get badges like the Brownies, right?! (Start 'em and I bet JC will join right in.)

  5. Nigel is the perfect name for him! I love how we're all complete loons at heart.

    1. He goes look like a Nigel, doesn't he? Well I can say this for sure - this little corner of the web is strictly for those who are not looking for the highbrow!!

    2. Tabitha we Canucks love our loons - our $1 coin is even called the loonie. WMM, I beg to differ, this corner of the web is for champagne tastes, beer budgets (and yes, a good belly laugh.)

    3. GetFresh - good point. We are highbrow about our lowbrow taste... Assume your husband has now embraced the mason jar, now that he understands it is rural chic....

    4. BIG MOUTH MASON He says he was born in a city, lives in a city, that it isn't summer, and we don't live anywhere near Mississippi. Of course, still drinks pretty much whatever I pour in 'em :-)

    5. BTW, <3 the club shoes *clicks heels in salute*

    6. Good point! Will alter immediately!!! Oh those city boys! Remind him the Appalachias go right into NB! He will not be surprised at all, I am sure!

  6. WMM, you crack me up! Love your new mascot and look forward to your pencil skirt post. :)

    1. HI ABC - thanks so much for popping in! Nigel is quite the gent, isn't he? MY new question is: would Nigel wear this? Would Nigel like this and well, there you go!

  7. Love your blog. I've nominated you for a Liebster blog award. Visit my blog for details:


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