Monday, August 12, 2013


I had to get a new cellphone a couple of months back after I had given work blackberry back.

I left behind the very appropriate  BB for a Samsung phone, one that has lots of bells and whistles and a good camera.

This camera has begat my ability to take selfies.

I don't recall selfies when I was a kid.  We had cameras (it wasn't the dark ages, after all, though at times it seems close to the dark ages!).  We had cameras and we took pictures of each other of course, but I cannot recall anyone taking a selfie.

But with the rise of cellphones and facebooks, it seems that the selfie is everywhere - I see all kinds of shots of my friends in various places, holding out the camera in front of themselves, shamelessly mugging for the camera.

I did it myself a couple of weeks ago when Barry and I were lunching at Kingsbrae Gardens:

I am not sure what Barry was looking at here....As soon as we took the picture I immediately sendt it to my kids and to GetFresh, since she and I had been recently chatting about Kingsbrae.  What is it about the world that we want to share the moment even as it is happening?  Though I admit, I love it when people send them to me!

Oh sure, there are stupid celebrity selfies:

Really, Heidi Klum?  You really had to post this??????


Oh Justin - we have to talk...

But there are also folks just like you and me (well maybe like you, but not me!).  Aren't Meryl and Hillary cute here?

BBC online recently had an interesting article on selfies, which you can read here.

I was always quite conscious of my children taking pictures and posting them of themselves on Facebook until they reached a certain age, but I think that is almost a losing battle.  Kids today see their phones (and the cameras in them) as simply an extension of themselves, kind of like this blog is for me, I guess. 

The original selfies - little self-portrait doodles, I think, like this one by Margaret Attwood:


How about you - do you take a lot of selfies or do you leave the capturing of your true essence on film to others?

Have a great money and stay safe out there!



  1. Love that selfie of you and Barry!
    I'm quite new to blogging and the whole idea of taking selfies. I must say I found it very odd at first, but I seem to be getting used to taking crap pics of myself in dirty bathroom mirrors!
    I can't fathom taking the kind of selfies that some celebs proudly publish. Have they not heard of modesty!?

    1. Ruth - I hear you - it feels very odd, doesn't it? However, it has gotten me over my sense of discomfort with having my picture taken!

  2. I am not the most photogenic and it really is noticeable when in a family and Hunter take great pic. So, taking a selfie just never dawns on me.

  3. I rarely let anyone take my pic and always crop my blog pics, I look horrendous in pics!

    1. I am seeing a trend her with you and BB - beautiful women who think they look awful in photos!

  4. PICTURE THIS WMM, that lovely photo at Kingsbrae made my day. I am not a big one for selfies. Not naturally photogenic, and for much of career too busy organizing and minding people for cameras. Will, however, always regret not getting one with Barack.

    As for celebs, I enjoy a few, like Meryl and Hillary, that are joy of moment (just like rest of us) versus shameless social feed self-promo. But I do find the whole phenom a bit narcissistic, image conscious. If you don't "snap happy" does that make you less in modern culture?

    1. Would love a photo with Barack! I still cherish me and Bill Clinton!

  5. I love your typo - happy money! Happy money indeed!

    I can't stand the oversharing on Facebook, but I do love seeig what friends are up to. The selfies can be cute, or beyond annoying. Most celeb ones I have seen are obnoxious though. Leave some mystery people!
    The one of you and Barry is adorable!

    Happy money day!

    1. OMG - LOVE IT! MOney day - how wonderful! It must be because I have to pay some bills....

      I hear you on the over-sharing, but like you, I also kind of love it - but only when it is my friends!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My hair stylist moved far away and I took selfies of my last few haircuts so I could show them to the replacement if I wanted to. I cropped out my face as much as possible lol. I am not a selfie taker.

    1. Cate - I think that is cruel that your hair stylist moved far away! I would have done the same thing!

  8. So that is what selfie means, learned something new today. No, I don't like having my picture taken and I don't like taking pictures either. Except when we're on vacation then I'm trigger happy. I would not assume that my friends & family will find my daily goings on interesting so I don't do Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I do find your journey so fun and inspiring so continue to keep us posted. I've never seen you and Barry look so radiant!

    1. Oh I don't think he liked that photo! I promise no photos a la Justin Bieber or Heidi!

  9. Hi Wendy, the selfie with you and Barry is really good. I don't do them, I'm not very photogenic and it always seems so awkward to me - I have tried, but can never seem to get myself in frame. In any case, I hardly use my cell phone, I only got it for emergencies. (However, I will admit to having my hairdresser take a photo of the back of my hair last time I was there - that's useful!)

    1. I'm like you - when I worked I was tied to my phone, now I get maybe 3 texts a week! It is so nice..

  10. You look wonderful in that photo! I've never done a selfie ( done or take?) and avoid most photos if possible. MLane thinks I am very photogenic-- how lucky am I? That cute Sasha has a world class adolescent sour look, doesn't she? Sooo cute.

  11. CUTE! You and Barry the wonder look great! I used to take pictures of everything, but now that I'm older I prefer to live in the moment (I feel that stopping and snapping somehow interrupts it. Silly, no?) I am not very photogenic, though my husband is (though I may be biased), so I take pictures of him. Much more pleasing to the eye!

    1. Oh you and barry are on the same wavelength - he no longer fusses about the camera - he just wants to experience it all!

  12. What a happy photo of the two of you. I didn't take any photos of myself until I started recording my clothes for Patti's Visible Monday on Not Dead Yet Style. I had intended being invisible when I started blogging but so enjoyed looking at other bloggers that it didn't seem fair not to appear. I'm always impressed by the images that other people manage, I always end up looking at the smudges and streaks on my mirrors or with the camera obscuring the clothes!

    1. Oh me too! I am glad you said that - I always noticed what is wrong in my photos, but don't notice anything in other folks' blogs! And I love the photos of you!

  13. Didn't realize Heidi had implants.

    Half of my blog is selfies. :D


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