Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Are you knitting your union jack booties? Plus my Disclaimer of Responsibility for the breakup

Well, surely Knityarns is knitting her booties...

Yes folks, we are in full-on Baby Cambridge fever!

Yesterday, I was in line at Walmart and InTouch Weekly had all the details of the dramatic royal birth.


Well, you can hardly blame the gossip rags, who want to be ready in case there is some sort of calamity...

The press have moved in....


The baby already has his or her official title, the Princess or Prince of Cambridge...

All we need now is the baby...

I was a wretched pregnant woman with my first child.  Short women do not carry their babies as well or as attractively as their taller counterparts - my babies were all squished, I was all squished, I retained water, ending up having some hormonal issues that made me itch all over for the last few months, nothing like our lovely Kate:

Don't you think that Kate is reading Dani's blog?  This looks like a Dani outfit to me...

Have you bought your gift yet?  Lots of websites have lots of suggestions for us:

I like this adorable toy soldier


However, I am a traditionalist, so I will give Wills and Kate and Baby Cambridge what I like to give all new babies...

Some Bunnkykins...

and my favourite baby books:

Oh, and we will need something cuddly, won't we?

Product Details

There.  I feel ready.  You can come any time, Baby Cambridge.  And I promise not to visit and bother you until your Mum calls..


Yes, the rumours have proven true - George and Stacy have broken up...

GTY george clooney kiebler nt 130708 16x9 608 George Clooney and Stacy Keibler Split

The rumour that I had anything to do with this is just that, a rumour...

...as are the rumours that I was on this boat on the 4th of July..

George Clooney leaves Villa Oleandra in Laglio with a bunch of friends and then reaches Villa d'Este by boat with Stacy Keibler nowhere in sight.

If I WAS on a boat in Italy on July 4th, well you'd now about it, wouldn't you?

Have a great day and stay safe out there!


  1. I still have my bunny mug and the younguns' bunny mugs!

    and Pat the Bunny is an enduring classic. Although my MIL wasn't familiar with it and thought I was subverting her side of the family by starting the kids early on revolutionary propaganda. If only.

  2. A fan of Pooh over Peter. No wonders she had to go into hiding...the stress of everyone "up in your face". Ack! I would give her a beautiful frame For the baby pix and a small box of chocolate for her for a job well done....she can worry about her figure later. But of course the rag mags will be all over her for that too.

    1. My daughter is all about pooh and I must say I have quite a fondness for Pooh myself. I almost put When We Were Very Young in my list of books, but that is for a slightly older demographic IMO. Chocolates is a good idea and some champers. Hope she breastfeeds, but hard to say how easy that will be in the bubble in which she lives!

  3. I like to give a little basket with baby books, too. And "Jamberry". Lordy, she does look great pregnant! No fluid issues there.

    I hope George isn't lonely. Haha.

  4. OH WMM, You make me smile, and then hang my head because I haven't updated my blog in forever... I actually felt a pang because your baby gift selection reminds me so much of the gifts I received for my older son- who is certainly no longer a baby. I am still ready to teach long distance knitting!

    1. I think I will be ready for a project in September! I know how you feel about the pangs - my first baby is 21 now! The weird thing is that i still feel 16...

    2. I know what you mean. I can't believe how quickly they grow- and I don't feel older either. BTW- I finally updated my site a few minutes ago- thank you!

  5. Well today is my date in LR's baby pool but I don't think it is going to happen yet. The invasion of privacy would be so stressful, I don't know how she maintains such grace under pressure.

    As for George, I cannot fathom the appeal of this aging Lothario. Vegas even has a forum for betting on the duration of his mash-ups. He's probably wonderful in your fantasy mind but IRL he is just skeevy and you deserve much better.

    1. Well i missed my date in the pool as well - I picked July 6th!

      George's issue is that he keeps going for a woman that wants children and marriage; so many younger women do, George! I think he should turn his attention to a 50 year old woman who is past her child-bearing years and who enjoys him for what he is - an intelligent joy-seeker! It can only be a matter of time before he calls!

    2. Haha, you are funny, WMM! Aren't you married, though?

    3. Rose, those are details, m'dear. besides, George and Barry will get along fine!

    4. I had to laugh at your response, then check my watch to see if it was already cocktail hour on the East coast. LOL

    5. xoxo - it is always cocktail hour on the east coast! ;-)

    6. I came back because I thought maybe my comment sounded catty and was going to clarify that I meant your take on George's women, not your comment that he would call you. If he called you, that would be an upgrade for him! Wish it were cocktail hour here.

    7. you guys are hilarious! Yes, xoxo's pick was today, Dani's is tomorrow and mine is the 14th. Sorry Wendy! :)

    8. xoxo - I thought it was funny! and Barry and George and I will make a nice trio...okay - you or Dani could make it!

  6. Hi Wendy, I saw a similar magazine cover the other day - just goes to show how much they make up!!

    I think you are so right about George - he should go for someone his own age! But what's the betting on that happening?! Do you remember when Ted Danson got together with Mary Steenburgen - now that was a breath of fresh air, AND they are still together.

    1. See!!! I am George's Mary Steenburgen! :-)

    2. I was lucky enough to meet Ted and Mary and their dogs when they were on a vacay. Excellent couple, he grew up - and chose - well.

  7. I can't imagine living in the bubble that Kate and the new babe will be in. Hopefully she will be able to have some privacy. Hasn't the world learned anything after Diana's tragedy. Sorry to hear about George's breakup. Not! What should be our challenge as we duel over him?

    1. SC - I am sure we will have to duel a LOT of other men and women before we get down to having to duel each other, so let's focus our energy on getting rid of the hot starlets first!

  8. Kate has looked amazing during her pregnancy shs has stayed petite with a delicate bump,
    ok my bets are on a boy!

    1. I think boy, too! But then I got confused and thought you meant that George might switch teams this time around!

    2. Hmmm, my thoughts exactly! On both matters...

    3. Hasn't George always played for the other team, secretly?

    4. Jennifer that is a nasty rumour :-) George has been waiting to play for the Wendy team....

  9. I think Kate will have a girl.

    As far as George Clooney goes, the women he dates know he doesn't want to get married or have kids. He has been saying this over and over, yet they think they will somehow miraculously make him change his mind. That never works, so better to move on...

    1. Rose - you are right. George is very honest about his intentions, but of course these girls are romantics. He needs an old cynic, comme moi..

    2. What George needs is an equal partner! I agree that too many women think they can change him. HE WILL NOT CHANGE!

    3. I have NEVER met a man who really changed. One must get over the habit of changing a man...

    4. I have never understood why women want or expect to change men. Isn't 'the original' the one they fell for in the first place? Then why trying to change them? No one can really change - man or woman.

    5. Unless they want to. Or there is the promise of nice shoes...

    6. Bahahaha! The promise of nice shoes! :^D

      I read somewhere that Warren Beatty used to be quite the womanizer until he met Annette Bening. Perhaps that is what some of the women are thinking will happen, that they will become George's "Annette".

      Rose, I was also thinking recently that Kate would have a girl and that is why the Palace had decreed that a female child would henceforth have the same right to the throne as a male child. I suppose we will know soon enough.

    7. xoxo. According to google the succession law went into effect in 2011 before Kate became pregnant.
      I'm thinking July 14 or maybe she can hold out til to the 17th which is Camilla's birthday.

  10. BABY WATCH WMM, I keep hoping the big arrival will happen on Saturday so you can watch the CN Tower turn pink, or blue, from right across the street - and snap for the club house, of course.

    As for George I just hope he doesn't veer off into Hef territory in his dotage. WMM et al to rescue...

    1. OMG - I SO want it to happen with you or with Dani, because I will need to be by the TV set and have a drink in my hand!

  11. Baby fever is on big time! I thought Kate might go into labour on Sunday after Andy's big win at Wimbledon, all that excitement. Love the toy soldier!

    Speaking of knitting, I saw this one book "Heartfelt Knits" in a bookstore last week (Christina Hendricks is on the cover and models some of the knitting projects inside)...so off topic but the cloche hat she was wearing looked so good on her and I love cloche hats. I was tempted to buy the book and buy some needles & yarn for that idea alone! I haven't knitted since Grade 6, for sure.

    1. LR That book is also for sale at a place near me Romni Wools; excellent hat choice! But I would be all thumbs, especially to fit my noggin.

    2. Dani got me through Potrait of a Lady, Knityarns can get you through a cloche! go see her new patterns online today (see sites along the side) - they are soooo beautiful!

  12. WELL!! I've read all the comments and feel as though I've entered a parallel world - knitting and George and a lot of fun! (I had the itching thing when I was pregnant and had to sleep with little cotton bags over my hands to avoid scratching myself to bits in the small hours of the morning!)
    I've got great hopes for Will and Kate and baby as theirs is a proper love match and not an arranged marriage. I doubt, however, that the press have learnt anything following the tragedy of Diana.

    1. SMG - I knew we were sisters when I saw your garden - now the itching!!! I believe in Will and Kate, too. The press - not so much!

  13. I'm really not fond of that beard George is sporting At All!
    Having been semi off-grid for the past 10 days or so I've been completely unaware of matters of world importance!
    Poor Kate will be under so much scrutiny!

    1. How are you Ruth? Have been thinking of you and hoping all is well. Getting of the grid can be nice sometimes...

  14. Other than dresses amd bathing suits, if it can be worn, I hoard it. My top obsessions are jewelry, blouses and shoes, but many other categories are well- represented also.
    I have tried huge purges regularly in the past, but as long as I shop and bring more in than goes out there is no way to win the war. Fortunately, this interest in acquiring does not spill over to goods for my homes or properties.
    Congratulations to you,,Wendy, on your great success in reestablishing order, balance and sanity.

    1. Just realized that I replied to the wrong blog entry! Sorry!

    2. HI Teacups! We will see how I do in the fall, but for now I have more than enough and like it all, which is important. I also think it is all pretty flattering. It is hard! I am glad I don't have jewellry obsessions these days - I used to have earring ones, but have broken self of that - I have so many that I can't even wear what I have!


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