I was thinking about April Fool's day this morning. For some reason, when we were kids we felt that you could only play an April Fool's joke before lunch time. I suspect this was something an adult told us, lest we harass them with our (mostly) juvenile pranks.
But no pranks for me today. I am writing and enjoying the cold, blustery, sunny day, and yes, I am enjoying being able to flush with abandon.
After hitting my mid-winter doldrums, and not even realizing I was, I am now back and interested in clothing, painting some walls, spring cleaning and the like. It feels like a clean sweep, and I am content to freeze my bottom off rather than continue to wear heavy sweaters.
I have even been fussing over myself - my clothing, my hair, my makeup. Taking extra care, as if I might go back out into the world once more...
I have bought shoes that I don't have a hope in hell of wearing for another two months (at least!):
!['got new shoes for @[1793661516:2048:Roger Melanson]'s first budget today. what? it wasn't supposed to be ME that bought the shoes? oh well, assuming my disposable income is going to be less tomorrow anyway...'](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p296x100/1896997_10152925678129215_6856344756081759587_n.jpg?oh=653690737663957b9b86c5298273b29e&oe=55B157E9&__gda__=1437739842_28d008bd9964e301b589e8d3a1916591) |
J Crew's Marcie wedges |
This spring I have been besotted by navy, though I have bought very little.
I must recommend this seam pant by Joe Fresh in black:
They are so comfortable and so inexpensive that I purchased them in tan as well!
Here's me in mine, with my patent loafers. I look forward to wearing them with a little heel.
really I should crowd-fund to put an elaborate mirror elsewhere... |
You can buy yours
here. They are actually cheaper in Canada!
teamed with an old J Crew lightweight merino sweater |
Look at that happy smile! Why is she smiling? She has a new obsession!
I think I am the last woman on the planet to watch how-to makeup videos on YouTube. It's literally changed my life. I love it! I am especially besotted by
Lisa Eldridge. She has a divine British accent and she shares all kinds of happy secrets for making you look like a million bucks. And you can watch them over and over.
I don't know about you, but when I am purposefully not spending a ton of money on clothing or other things (besides books - Love my books!), there is nothing so lovely as a new lipstick or eyeliner - inexpensive and can really change your look. I will try and remember to do a glam look one of these days and post it.
One thing I purchased recently that I love:
Clarins lip comfort oil:
Oh my gosh, this is good stuff. I feel like Cleopatra dipping into the honey pot when I slather this stuff on! Yay you, Clarins!
I have also been using a new eyeliner in a lovely subtle aqua shade by Lise Watier in hopes of beckoning Spring to my front door...
Really, is there anything as lovely as a new frippery that costs little but provides so much delight?
How about you - any Spring Fever?
I leave you with a poem by one of New Brunswick's most prized writers and poets, Sir Charles G.D. Roberts. I used to live across the street from his old house when I was at University, though he was long gone, passed away in 1943. Charles was one of the first superstar writers from Canada and I like to go visit his grave now and then and see if any of that good writing mojo rubs off!
Now that's a moustache! I so picture him tramping the woods, all romantic.. |
An April Adoration
by Sir. Charles G.D. Roberts
Sang the sun rise on an amber morn -
'Earth, be glad! An April day is born.
'Winter's done, and April's in the skies,
Earth, look up with laughter in your eyes!'
Putting off her dumb dismay of snow,
Earth bade all her unseen children grow.
Then the sound of growing in the air
Rose to God a liturgy of prayer;
And the thronged succession of the days
Uttered up to God a psalm of praise.
Laughed the running sap in every vein,
Laughed the running flurries of warm rain,
Laughed the life in every wandering root,
Laughed the tingling cells of bud and shoot.
God in all the concord of their mirth
Heard the adoration-song of Earth.
I feel pretty damn adoring myself this fine day, and I hope you are, too!
xoxo wendy