So much to discuss with you all, so little time before I have to pan fry some duck breasts a la Gordon Ramsay....
1) Paying it Forward
I got a chance last Friday to have coffee with someone considering a significant career change, It was a privilege to provide them with support and encouragement, sprinkled with a small dose of what I like to call Wendy dust. What is Wendy dust you say? So glad you asked! When I decided to finally pursue my dream career, I knew I would start at the bottom. Well, I have seen the bottom and I have survived it. I learn more about writing, the writing business, and the mechanics of well, everything, every single day. I am still besotted. And while I didn't think I'd be an overnight success, I sort of thought I would be if you know what I mean.
We're all like that, aren't we? We know that success takes hard work and dedication. I love writing. I even like editing and revising. I love learning. But I kind of wish I knew more than I do. I kind of wish I would get better in snap. I have to sprinkle a little Wendy dust on myself now and then and remind myself that anything worth doing is worth doing right. My agent is out there waiting to fall madly in love with me and me with them. But I gotta work for it! So on Friday, I shared that with my friend. There will be knocks. Don't worry. Don't be discouraged. The help always seems to show up when you need it. I wanted to be that help for my friend. And boy, that felt pretty darn good!
Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.Anne HerbertAnd speaking of beauty... 2) The Mindy Project I am always late to every "thing", so when I tell you about something, you ought to know that it was probably big about two years ago. My latest obsession is The Mindy Project. I love this show! I am currently making my way through the episodes on Netflix, watching one or two a night. ![]()
The show is very witty. The funny thing is, I don't see myself in Mindy at all. I see myself in the character of her potential love interest Danny. There have been two episodes where he's said things like "Wow, that Panama Canal" or "That Ken Burns is a genius" and everyone in my family has turned to me because, well, I say the exact same things at the dinner table on a regular basis, little history geek that I am.
The other person I seem to be the personality twin of if Harvey Levin from TMZ. TMZ haters off to the side - I completely agree with you that it is complete and utter trash, but my daughter love it and so it is our complete and utter trash. But sometimes it is hugely funny and very clever.
For those who don't watch, Harvey, who owns TMZ, moderates the discussions amongst his often clueless and almost always classless staff. And he says things that sound like they are coming from my mouth. I mean, seriously, they sound like things I say. How is it that the characters I most resemble on TV (aside from Amal Almuddin, but I suspect she won't be on TV so often soon) are a slightly stuffy male doctor and a gossip company tycoon? Well there are likely theories about that, and if they are nasty, well tell Fred and she will ease me into it over drinks when I meet her next year in NYC....
3) Michael Pollen's Cooked.
I finally got around to reading this. I am a huge Michael Pollan fan and this book did not disappoint, and as is the case of all his books, I learned much while he entertained me with stories.
Of course, reading Michael Pollan must be at your own risk because truly, you always go away thinking "I should do more". I went away thinking "I can make bread without yeast using the power of bacteria and wholesome food". To whit, I am "cooking" my own sourdough starter, with the firm belief that breads made using homemade starter are less glutteny and other "thingy" (don't ask me for details, I only know enough to be dangerous) and they are more natural than the yeasts we currently use which are all, well, manufactured. Again - don't ask. Or ask Michael. He seems to know.
Well my starter is bubbling away and tonight I leaven the bread. I am feeling very puritanical about all this, even if I can't explain (without the book in front of me) what leavening actually is. No matter. More detail to follow.
4) and speaking of books...
Our own Jen Lawrence has a book being released in the next week: Engage the Fox! I am so excited and have pre-ordered mine from Chapters.
Obviously, I am no longer in the corporate world, but from the blurb in Chapters and the review in the Chronicle-Herald, I see this as a wonderful tool for everyone and I am so looking forward to reading it!
I love that she's written a business fable. Hmmm I wonder if she can explain my uncanny personality resemblance to Harvey Levin????
Good luck Jen! I hope you sell a million!
The book has already gotten a good review! I know it will get many more!
Well that's the stuff jangling in my brain. Now it's in yours!
Have a great day and stay safe out there!
xoxo wendy