Where has the month gone?
It's been lived in front of my computer, that's for sure! I am now working on draft 3 of my new novel. I am sure I need at least three more drafts until it is worth sending to my agent for feedback.
I am reminded again and again that writing is hard work. Maybe not for Stephen King, but for the rest of us mortals - yes!

No complaints here, but it is nice to share one's challenges!
We are currently experiencing our second blizzard of the week.
Even Mr. Squirrel has been forced to make a tunnel from his home-under-the-deck, which heretofore shall be renamed Squirrel Manor, since everyone deserves to have a nice name for their house and Toad Hall was taken...
Here he is waiting for the goldfinches and redpolls to return and rain sunflower chips down at his little head. Sort of like I always imagined would happen at Willie Wonka's... |
Is this his front or back door? Only the Jolly Postman knows for certain! |
The snow is getting quite bothersome, so Barry is off to snowblow one last time (for today!)
In the dead of winter, we all benefit from colour. I am not shopping at all these days, out of post-Christmas fatigue and realizing that what I really need is a new dress, but since I don't have a place to wear said new dress right now, it can wait.
Instead of buying things I don't need, I am buying only useful things.
Pink Tulips fit into this category as they fall within the Health category of the family budget and are a well spent $7 at the grocery store:
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black.
I am writing a Young Adult Fantasy. At various times of every single day I have questioned my common sense in doing so, since it involves world building of a higher order than a contemporary book. But then I read Holly Black's new book and I was reminded that when done well, they can be amazing!
Last night we watched the small indie movie In a World, written and directed by Lake Bell.

I laughed out loud so many times during this movie. Take a look at the trailer:
Oh and I finally read Cheryl Strayed's Wild this month.

Sure it was inspirational, but frankly for someone like myself who suffers from bad feet, it was a cautionary tale of why one needs to vacation in places with cafes and public transportation. I expect Jody to slap me upside the head for that one!
Tonight we are off to a good friend's 60th birthday party. I am all for birthday parties. And turning 60. And 70. And 80. And so on and so on. The older I get the more I realize I have about three lifetimes worth of stuff to get done. This may be a Capricorn fault, I am not sure.
So tomorrow we go into the love month, which, when it ends, finds me in New York City. Yee haw!
xoxo wendy