It seems to me that Spring arrives very suddenly. It's like a baby you've been waiting to give birth to for months and then all of a sudden you go from being an expectant parent to being an actual parent in the space of a few hours.
Last year, I worked myself to the bone doing Spring clean up. This year I am pacing myself. I do 90 minutes a day. I stop on the clock regardless of whether I am enjoying myself or not. The reason for this is two-fold:
- I want to ease myself into the heavy Spring work so as not to hurt myself; and
- I have so much else going on.
Am dreaming of this, but we are a ways off...
I am now in the process of doing revisions to the work I turned in, the fine tuning required before my agent attempts to sell it. She is enthusiastic, so I am enthusiastic. Still, this writing is a business, make no mistake, and it is all about finding a sympathetic editor who sees David in the pile of marble you send. We shall see.
I did see something exciting today. It's a Mystery, Pig Face is actually available for pre-order on Amazon! I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw it!
Go take a look here. It's like it's going to happen!
I have swapped out my winter clothing for my Spring-Summer clothing, which has resulted in me feeling quite cold by times. I did another ruthless purge, Truly, at times I think I will end up living in a monk's robe and sparkly shoes, though that doesn't seem so bad when you think of it.
I have been searching for a couple of spring/summer dresses for some upcoming events. This is not so easy. My menopausal body seems disinterested in looking, um, tight, despite long walks and an attempt at eating less. Worse, there are few stores in my city that cater to people over twenty years of age. I have found an inexpensive white dress and have the following on order from J Crew Factory to try. We shall see.
In other news, my son comes home from university. It seems you can indeed learn to live without one of your appendages, though it has been very helpful that he is an excellent communicator; he calls almost daily just to say hi; his decision, not mine. It has made the separation easier. Now he is the hunt for summer work. He is also reuniting with a new girlfriend, who seems quite nice. We miss the old one, but this is his life, not mine, and my job is to make whoever shows up her welcome.
Other than that I am happy now that Grantchester and Call the Midwife are back and I await Game of Thrones with trepidation and excitement.

How is your Spring going?
xoxo Wendy