Oh My - it has been one month since I last wrote!
My only excuse is that I had to get my manuscript into my agent by the end of this week and have been working 7 days a week.
Okay, that's a pretty good excuse...
But I wanted to pop in and tell you how things are going and share my life right now.
But first:
Hoppy Easter!
We will all be here for Easter. Son has decided to take an all-night bus home from Montreal tonight. I haven't seen him since the first week of January, so this is a good thing!
I haven't worked on the menu for the weekend, but there will be 8 of us for dinner, and at least 2 are vegans, so creativity is the name of the game!
The early publicity for my book (and I mean EARLY, since the book isn't released until next February!) has begun. I was interviewed on a blog this week (if you want the link pop over to wendymcleodmacknight.com and check in the news section) and have been interviewed by my local newspaper (this hasn't been printed yet).
It is very strange to answer questions about work that you spend most of your time holed up in a small office doing! But I am sure I will get used to it (and I hope there will be more publicity in the future, since that's how you sell books!)
As for wardrobe-ing, I continue on the straight and narrow path. I have decided to be very thoughtful this year, as I've said before, and shop with a list of "needs" not wants. I have actually decided to use the 5 piece French wardrobe approach of only purchasing 5 things for spring/summer and 5 for fall/winter. This is forcing me to be very picky.
To be honest, I don't even have my list sorted out, although I did need a sleeveless creamy silk blouse and purchased this Kate Spade blouse from a local shop:

I think this may be the first Kate Spade piece I've ever owned (clothing-wise) but I loved the quality and the construction.
I think my other additions may be new sneakers, a black silk top and perhaps a dress and a pair of shorts. But right now, I have no plans for anything!
Having a (very) short list makes all the difference. I have shopped my closet exclusively all winter and loved it.
I will keep you posted!
How about you? Any exciting purchases or big Easter plans? I'd love to hear about them!
xoxo Wendy